
2025 Potentate - Chris Hall


Chris Hall

Noble Chris was born and raised in Robbinsville, Graham County, NC. After attending Western Carolina University as a North Carolina Teaching Fellow, he began his career in education as a high school history teacher in Gastonia and has resided in Gaston County since that time.

Noble Chris later received his Master’s Degree from Appalachian State University and currently serves as a project manager in Gaston County Schools.
Noble Chris was raised as a fourth generation Master Mason on January 15, 2005 in Robbinsville Lodge #672. He attended Wilkerson College in 2010 and received the Mason of the Year award in King Solomon Lodge #704 in 2010 and 2017. He served as a Director of the Gastonia Masonic Temple Association from 2010-2017. He served as an assistant tyler at Grand Lodge Annual Communication from 2009-2012. Noble Chris was elected and installed as both Master of King Solomon Lodge #704 in Gastonia and President of the Gaston County Shrine Club in 2013. Noble Chris was presented a Lifetime Achievement Award from King Solomon #704 in 2018. He was appointed by Grand Masters Cobb, Hallman, and Sigmon to serve as District Deputy Grand Master of the 36th Masonic District from 2017-19. He has served on the Grand Lodge Masonic Renewal Committee and the Subordinate Lodge Special Activities Commission.

He was made a Shriner in the Hickory class of 2007 and joined the Oasis Patrol Unit and Patrol Color Guard in 2008 and served as Patrol Captain in 2016-17. He was offered the opportunity to serve as Oasis Membership Chairman by Ill. Sir Fred Laxton in August 2013 and served in that capacity through 2016. Noble Chris is a member and officer of the Royal Order of Jesters, Charlotte Court #109 and the 100 Million Dollar Club. He proudly received the Hillbilly Degree from Clan #13 in 2009 and the Tarheel Degree in 2010.

In January 2015, he was presented with a Life Membership in the Oasis Past Masters Unit by Ill. Sir Terry K. Jones, Captain. That same month, he was presented with a Life Membership in Oasis Shriners and the Walt Disney Award by Ill. Sir W. David Sumpter III. He was named as a Class Honoree at the Hamlet Ceremonial in 2014. Noble Chris was appointed by Imperial Sir Chris Smith to serve as Imperial Public Relations Director, Region 8 and served from 2016-18. He was appointed by Imperial Sir Gary Bergenske to serve as Regional Membership Director, Region 8 (South Atlantic) and served from 2017-2019. On Saturday, January 5, 2019, Noble Chris was joined by Lady Laura as they were announced as the Second Ceremonial Master appointment of Illustrious Sir Kenneth D. Jarrett and Lady Vickie. This appointment to the progressive line positions Noble Chris to become Potentate of Oasis Shriners in 2025.

Noble Chris joined the Scottish Rite in 2007 and received the Knight Commander Court of Honour (KCCH) in 2011. He is a Past Venerable Master and Endowed Life Member of the Charlotte Scottish Rite. He is an emeritus member of the Knights of St. Andrew.

Noble Chris received the Knight York Cross of Honour (KYCH) in the York Rite in 2014 and is a member of the Lenoir York Rite Bodies. Noble Chris is also a member and officer of the York Rite Sovereign College, Western North Carolina College #78 and Knight Masons, Saint Patrick’s Council #1. He is a member of the Masonic Order of Athelstan, the Operatives, Allied Masonic Degrees, the Red Cross of Constantine, and other York Rite organizations. He currently serves as the 2022-23 Most Excellent Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of North Carolina.

One of Noble Chris’s highlights of being a Shriner has involved annual December toy runs with the Gaston County Shrine Club to deliver toys to Shriners Children's Greenville. Noble Chris is most appreciative to Illustrious Sir Ken Jarrett for the opportunity to continue serving Oasis in this new capacity. He leaves us with a memorable quote from Albert Pike: “What we have done for ourselves alone dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal.”
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Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, truth and relief.

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